
N-Power Platform Designed to Support Drug Development

Our innovative platform consists of three components to uniquely enable a single workflow for clinical research and routine care.

The Kaleido™ Registry collects prospective, real-time, standardized patient data expressly designed to support clinical trials and drug development.

Our point of care technology enables seamless workflow management and provides secure, timely access to patient data and insights while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and quality standards for prospective clinical research.

On-site and virtual experts support oncologists and research staff to operationalize the Registry and support clinical documentation, while reducing their overall workload, allowing them to focus on patient care and research.

The N-Power Platform enables greater physician participation in clinical research and deeper access to the full patient population at the sites, translating to higher, more predictable clinical trial operations and the creation of unique data that is fit-for-purpose to inform drug development.

Explore Our Solutions

Clinical Trial Suite

Find the right patients for trials and reduce barriers to enrollment with real-time comprehensive patient pre-screening.

Data Generation Suite

Collect high-quality standard-of-care patient data to support drug development and practice operations.

The Clinical Development Roadmap

Our platform delivers relevant, complete, and actionable data for drug development. This includes a comprehensive depiction of baseline characteristics with reduced missingness, covering vital factors like ECOG performance status, line of therapy, and social determinants of health (SDOH). Purpose-built data collection supports various applications, including target population refinement, new biomarker identification and validation, and validation of new endpoints.

Future Ecosystem Solutions

Gain ready access to high-quality routine care data that encompasses baseline characteristics, safety, and efficacy outcomes. These data are compatible with drug development processes, which aids in internal decision-making and has the potential to be included in regulatory filings, thus accelerating development timelines.