Oncology Clinics

Advancing Clinical Cancer Research and Patient Care

N-Power helps oncology practices turn themselves into powerful research centers by addressing the most critical challenges and increasing capacity for clinical research participation. By alleviating oncologist workload and unlocking the full potential of relevant patient data, N-Power helps drive medical innovation while improving practice efficiency.

Empowering Clinical Trials with Technology and Trained Personnel

Tech-Enabled Staff

N-Power takes a hands-on approach with virtual and in-person embedded staff ready to support routine patient care and facilitate documentation. Our clinic note solution helps to save physicians time and enables the collection of standardized data for all patients at the point of care.

Prospective Data Standardization

By taking in high-quality prospective care data, implementing novel data collection and standardizing it via the KaleidoTM Registry, the N-Power Platform enables greater levels of data usability and quality assurance.

Improved Clinical Research Access

N-Power connects practices to cutting-edge clinical trials from top oncology drug developers and enables new opportunities in trial implementation, such as improved feasibility, faster start-up, and patient pre-screening—all leading to more inclusive and successful clinical trials.